Hiding? It’s Time To Step Into Your Power Sep 03, 2024

In 2023, I had an experience that shook me to my core and made me confront some hard truths about myself.

It was during an interview for the "One Insight" podcast—an interview where I realized just how much I had been holding back. The host, Rich Litvin, said something that hit me like a...

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What's Your No-Matter-What Moment? Time to Reignite Your Mission Aug 27, 2024

Let’s talk about something that cuts right to the core—those defining moments in your life when you were unstoppable. 


Moments when nothing could stand in your way because you were so deeply connected to a mission that mattered.


If you’ve ever felt that fire...

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Restless? It’s Time to Discover Your Mission and Change the World Aug 20, 2024

,let’s dive into something that’s been on my mind recently, especially as I’ve been having more conversations around what it truly means to be on a mission.

The other day, someone connected with me  on LinkedIn and asked a powerful question: “Do your clients come to...

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Is Your Mission on Life Support? It’s Time to Revive Your Inner Fire Aug 14, 2024

Let’s get real for a moment. Have you ever felt that deep, burning desire to be on a mission? 

I’m talking about that powerful pull towards something that lights your soul on fire, where every fiber of your being screams, "This is it!" 

You know that feeling, right?...

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Curious to See How One Question Changed Everything? Jul 12, 2024

I’ve got a story to share with you today that hits right at the heart of vulnerability and transformation.


Picture this: I’m feeling an overwhelming sadness, like a heavy weight that makes even the smallest tasks feel impossible. It’s a raw, real moment where everything...

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What’s Driving You? Jun 22, 2024

What is driving you to take risks beyond imagination? What is a must for you?


I believe women possess a unique creativity and thinking the world desperately needs. Imagine millions of women fully tapped into their greatest vision, driven by missions that are a MUST for them.



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Guess what I’ve discovered in Turkey!.,, Jun 14, 2024

So, my time here in Turkey is now 13 days, another 12 to go.


My focus is on accessing my energy and creativity through slow living. It’s amazing, and I highly recommend it, my friends.


What’s the recipe?


Firstly, FUEL: When I’m here, my diet is super clean,...

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The Game-Changer for Visionaries: Harnessing the Power of Who Jun 14, 2024

I want to share a story with you today from a deep intensive session I had with an incredible woman.

“Leena” is a visionary, driven by a deep desire to improve the lives of millions of rural children in South Africa. 


She dreams of providing them with essential resources...

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Embrace the Pause: Finding Balance in the Chaos Jun 05, 2024

Dear Reader,


I see you. 


I see the dedication, the passion, the relentless drive for excellence that you bring to your work every single day. 


And I also see the weariness in your eyes, the heaviness in your heart, and the exhaustion that comes from giving so much...

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You Are More Powerful Than You Know May 30, 2024

Dear Readers,


I’m reaching out today with a message that feels deeply important. 


Over the years, I’ve encountered so many remarkable women—women who, on the outside, seem to have it all. But when we sit down and really talk, their true challenges and desires...

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A place to come FROM, not to achieve May 27, 2024

A client recently shared her heartfelt struggle with me:


"My dream and vision still resonate deeply within me. However, I've noticed a shift in my confidence, leaving me unsure of my ability to achieve it—or at least, achieve it in the way I once envisioned. This lack of confidence...

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Feeling Stuck? Here’s how to move forward when you’re pulled in every direction.. and it’s not what you think it is.. Apr 23, 2024

"I’m like one of those wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men you see at used car dealerships. I feel like I’m flopping around between different options and opportunities, just like those tube men constantly changing directions and moving around in an uncontrolled manner.


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