You Are More Powerful Than You Know

May 30, 2024

Dear Readers,


I’m reaching out today with a message that feels deeply important. 


Over the years, I’ve encountered so many remarkable women—women who, on the outside, seem to have it all. But when we sit down and really talk, their true challenges and desires come to light. 

Maybe you can relate.


Are you at a crossroads in your professional life, unsure of which path to take next? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the myriad responsibilities you juggle, both at work and at home? Have you ever battled with the fear that, if people saw the real you, they might think you’re not good enough?


- "I've gotten lost and found it difficult to guide myself on where to go next."

- "I feel like I'm at a crossroads where I need to find a way of doing more of the things that I love."

- "I have a fear that if people see me, they'll realize I'm not good enough."


Despite all your successes, do you find yourself longing for deeper, more authentic connections? A community where you can be truly seen and supported?


- "I've been doing this in isolation, and it feels lonely."

- "I feel less alone when I’m part of a supportive community."


Is there a bigger purpose calling you, yet something holds you back from fully stepping into it?


- "I want to step into my bigger purpose and make a real impact, but sometimes it feels out of reach."


Here’s what I want you to know: You are not alone.


You are more powerful than you know. 


There is a brilliant light within you, waiting to shine even brighter. And sometimes, all it takes to ignite that light is a heartfelt conversation.


On a personal note, I have been thinking much about my son Benjamin, who passed away two years ago. He had Hurler Syndrome and lived 20 more years than the experts said was ever possible. 


He was like gravity itself. The most amazing doctors were drawn to him, from all around the world. The people with the biggest hearts and the deepest intentions of making lives better came to him. 


I have realized they gravitated towards him because he inspired them to become the best versions of themselves. They became so much more. They fulfilled their dreams. I carry his legacy through my work. I'm so grateful. Thank you, Benjamin.


I would love to have a conversation with you. Let’s explore  your dreams, your challenges, and how you can navigate this path with ease and clarity.


Hit reply if you’re ready to dive deep and transform your life. I look forward to connecting with you.




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