Daring to Dream: The Magic of Impossible Goals Feb 07, 2023

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck in your career or personal life, unsure of how to achieve your biggest dreams? It can be tempting to play it safe and set achievable but modest goals for ourselves. But what if we dared to dream bigger and set impossible goals instead?

Impossible goals...

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Unleash Your Inner Superhero: Discover Your Passions and SoarĀ toĀ NewĀ Heights Jan 23, 2023

Are you a bit fed up at the moment? Not so incredibly energized? Maybe, yes, just  maybe it's time for you to figure out what exactly you´re all about! And if so, I´ve got good news, because I've got the secret to making it all happen.

Your passions, the things that make you lose...

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Break Free from the Busyness Trap: Lead Extraordinarily
Break Free from the Busyness Trap: Lead Extraordinarily Jan 16, 2023

Once upon a time, in my early days as an entrepreneur, I set out to create the perfect tagline for my website. But little did I know, it would turn into a battle of wills between me and the blinking cursor.


As I sat there, eyes fixed on the screen, I tried and failed to come up with the...

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How she overcame her fear of public speaking.... Jan 09, 2023


Annie was a senior leader in the energy industry with a knack for inspiring others and commanding attention. But despite her impressive credentials, she had a fear of public speaking that kept her from fully expressing herself and utilizing her unique gifts. And now she was fed up being...
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3 Powerful questions to ask before year end
3 Powerful questions to ask before year end Dec 29, 2022


If you´re anything like me, having a fresh slate is incredibly seductive.

But it's what you do before midnight on Saturday that´ll set you up for a joyful and fulfilling 2023.

So promise me -

Don't make a new resolution until you ask yourself these three questions.

Lack the...

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