Leaning Into the Edge: Transforming Struggles into Strengths Sep 05, 2023

Last week, while at Lake Como with the 4PC mastermind group, we didn't just scratch the surface. We dug deep, piercing through layers of comfort and confronting the shadows we often choose to ignore. 


For me, it was the haunting perfectionism and the appearance of being absolutely...

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Unlocking Your True Potential: The Transformative Power of the Three Most Important Questions Aug 07, 2023

“What do you see your life looking like in 25 years, Rita?”


That question, posed amidst the backdrop of a serene weekend in Røldal in Norway with my good friends, wasn't just a passing thought. It was a profound nudge, urging me to delve deep into the tapestry of my...

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Trading Control for Creativity: A Journey into the Unknown Aug 01, 2023

Two weeks ago, I woke up in the dead of the night, stricken by an excruciating back pain. I was crawling on the floor, panic surging through me.

It was 4 am, and all I could do was focus on my breath. Whenever I managed to find a position that eased the pain, my mind would race: "This can't be...

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Unleashing Female Leadership: Lessons from the Rainbow Lobsterā€™s Mesmerizing Migration Jul 31, 2023

Nature has always held a special place in my heart, and it is one of my core values.

From a young age, I had a profound connection with the natural world, but it wasn't always smooth sailing. At the age of 9, I had a terrifying experience where I almost drowned, leaving me with an overwhelming...

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Unleashing Your Leadership Potential: The Untapped Power of Executive Coaching Jul 20, 2023

As women at the forefront of our organizations, we break barriers and consistently redefine the norms


Our resilience, determination, and ability to "hit the ground running" often sets us apart. Yet, even as seasoned leaders, we can sometimes become so engrossed in the day-to-day...

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The Power of Pause: A Guide for Visionary Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs Jul 13, 2023

"Do you remember a time when what you have now was something you dreamed of?"


Reflect on that question for a moment, it's powerful, isn't it? It's a question that led me down a path of discovery.


As women who lead and create, we often find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of...

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Transform Your Approach: Integrate Success by Doing Less Jul 10, 2023

Have you ever woken up with a sinking feeling, as if you're caught in a relentless race against the clock? 


You're crystal clear about where you want to go, and yet the day-to-day grind keeps throwing you off track. 


We live in a world that often links busyness with...

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When Lost: My Tiny Step Forward Jul 05, 2023

Even those of us who've journeyed far in personal growth and understanding can stumble, can lose our bearings.


Today, I’m not coming to you as a coach or an expert, but as someone who’s in the same boat, someone who recently found herself a bit lost.


Just the other day,...

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How My Gut Instinct Turned Poop into a Lifesaver: A Lesson in Leadership Jun 20, 2023

Picture this: The year is 1995, and I'm grasping at hope, praying for a miracle.


My baby boy, Benjamin, is just 6 months old and he's wrestling with a life-threatening infection, Clostridium. 


We're caught in a nightmare where modern medicine is letting us down and his little...

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Transformative Journeys: Books and Desired Events Shaping My Clients' Lives Jun 13, 2023

Ever wondered about the power of a good book or an inspiring event? 


Both have an uncanny ability to shift our perspective, challenge our beliefs, and most importantly, spark transformation. 


Over time, my clients, who are mission and vision driven women, have shared their...

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Can a Coin Flip Change Your Life? Dive into the Art of Intuitive Decision-Making! Jun 06, 2023

Ever find yourself caught in a tug of war between your head and your heart, battling a storm of indecision? 

You know, those moments when your mind is a cyclone of thoughts, and yet, there's no lighthouse in sight. The burden of each unmade decision pressing down, the fear of choosing...

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Have you made space for yourself today? May 31, 2023

Have you ever found yourself caught in the middle of 'creating space' and realizing you are actually 'hiding'?


Just the other day, I had a revealing chat with an extraordinary woman who shared her eye-opening journey of self-discovery with me. 


She had some really...

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