Paralyzed by Your Own Ambitions? Unlock the Surprising Key to Your Next Big Leap May 30, 2023

So you have lots going for you!!


Achieved big goals and you are ready for the next one.


You are used to double down. You have been told to work double as hard as anyone else, and you have created success. But now you don’t know what to take action on first. You have so many...

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Are You Living Up to Your Full Potential? May 30, 2023

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are working long hours on a highly stressful project that feels meaningless?


Do you feel exhausted and find yourself reacting to the situation rather than responding to it? Perhaps it's time to question why you are choosing to stay in...

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Surround Yourself with Success: Build a Network of Empowering Individuals May 30, 2023

Have you ever felt like the people around you are holding you back? That they don't believe in your vision or your ability to make a difference? As a female entrepreneur, leader, or business owner, it's essential to surround yourself with people who support your goals and inspire you to be your...

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The Surprising Power of Saying No for Now to Reach Your Dreams May 29, 2023

Do you ever find yourself feeling drained and overwhelmed with all the maybes in your life? The maybes that keep you stuck in a state of indecision, draining your energy and preventing you from reaching your full potential?


I've been there. For years, I found myself in a state of confusion...

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Unlock Your Potential: Embracing Fear as a Powerful Force for Women Destined for Greatness May 29, 2023

Do you wake up some mornings feeling a gnawing fear in your gut, unsure of what it means or where it's coming from? You're not alone. It's a feeling that many of us have experienced, and it's not a comfortable one. But fear can be a powerful force that can guide you towards greatness if you're...

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How to Slow Down to Speed Up: A Leader's Guide for Women Who Wants to Impact May 29, 2023

As a woman who spent 20 years in  leadership, and now as an entrepreneur, I know firsthand the feeling of not having enough time. It's easy to get caught up in the idea that we have to fix everything ourselves, even when we have a team to support us. But the truth is, slowing down is the...

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The Wealthy Woman's Guide: How to Break Free from Limiting Beliefs and Achieve Financial Success May 02, 2023

Money mindset is a topic that is very dear to my heart, and it is something I believe we, as women, must master to ensure it is in alignment with our bigger visions and the impact we want to create around us and in the world.


How is your relationship with money? Have you fallen into the...

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Thinking Outside the Box: Embracing Creativity and Risk-Taking for Success Apr 17, 2023

Have you ever had a crazy idea that you were too afraid to pursue?

Maybe you felt discouraged by those around you or didn't believe in yourself enough to take the leap.

I know I've been there. When my son Benjamin was suffering from clostridium at only six months old we were told to expect the...

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Dare to Be You: Unveiling the Feminine Power Within Apr 03, 2023

My journey towards living a liberated, free, and fully expressed life began with a realization: I was trapped in a mindset that held me back from embracing my true potential. For years, I'd been telling myself that I'd pursue my dreams "when" the circumstances were just right. But when would that...

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Unleash Your Zone of Genius and Claim Your Space as a Leader Mar 15, 2023

Are you ready to unleash your most powerful self and claim your space as a leader? It's time to listen to that voice within that's saying, "Enough is enough! I want air time and I want space, and you better do something with what I have to say!" Your mindset is key to making this happen....

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The One Thing You're Doing That's Holding You Back from Achieving Your Dreams Mar 06, 2023

Do you ever find yourself reducing your dreams, your vision, or your goals to fit your doubts? You have big dreams for your future, but then out of nowhere your doubts come creeping in, with a very convincing voice telling you that you're not good enough, that you're not capable of achieving...

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So you believe your goal is impossible Feb 16, 2023

 In 1996 I was faced with the toughest decision of my life when I found out my son Benjamin had Hurler Syndrome, a progressive genetic disorder with a bleak outlook. It wasn't until I was faced with this  devastating challenge that I realized the power of having a clear vision and...

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