Introducing "Wow, We Never Thought About It That Way" - A New Way to Challenge and Transform! Apr 18, 2024

I'm excited to share something truly special with you—a new series, "Wow, We Never Thought About It That Way."


This initiative is deeply inspired by the profound lessons I've learned from personal experiences that transformed my understanding of adversity and possibility.



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The Four Overrated Desires: A Different Perspective Apr 09, 2024

You’re seeking more confidence, more clarity, more certainty, and more comfort, aren’t you? Sometimes clients think this is what they want when we first meet.


Each of these desires, while appealing, is vastly overrated and, frankly, not what you actually need. Let’s dive...

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Lysefjorden Revealed: A personal journey through Norway’s hidden gem Mar 30, 2024

 Just as the sun starts elbowing its way through the last of winter's gloom, I've been doing some spring cleaning in the attic of my mind. 


It's during this annual mental declutter that I've stumbled across the realization of just how much Lysefjorden, a gem on the West coast of...

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Ask ‘Who’, Not ‘How’: The secret to overcoming impossible odds Mar 19, 2024

No three-letter word has been more crucial to me in everything I do than "WHO!"


Back in spring 2010, I was confronted with a decision no parent should ever face. My son, Benjamin, had been in an induced coma since early April, fighting a tough battle with Hurler Syndrome leaving him with a...

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From pressure to possibility : Your Next Chapter Mar 19, 2024

I'm sitting down to write this article, and straight off the bat, let me tell you: it feels good to not stress about what anyone else might think.


I might end up publishing it, or maybe I won't. That's the beauty of it—I don't have to decide right now. So, I'm writing because I want...

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Stop lying to yourself….. Feb 29, 2024

To really be free, you've got to stop lying to yourself. 


It's about getting real with what you actually want, not what you think you should want. 


Once you do that, you're on your way out of living by other people's playbooks. 


You're unique—there's...

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Finding Yourself: The Inner Journey Feb 29, 2024

Ever felt like you're just going through the motions, chasing one goal after another without really feeling satisfied? I know that feeling all too well. It's like running endlessly on a treadmill, aiming for success but somehow ending up in the same place.

Let me tell you a story. In 2014, I was...

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Embracing the Paradox: 19 Ways Counter-Intuitive Advice Can Transform Your Life Feb 05, 2024

Have you ever wondered if everything you've been told about success and growth might be, well, wrong? 


What if the secret to breakthroughs wasn't in doing more, but in thinking differently?


Let's challenge the norms together. Are you in?


Here are 19 pieces of...

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Do you have a confidence problem…. Feb 05, 2024

I had a profound conversation with a woman determined to grow her business but held back by the belief that she needed more confidence. 


Here's the truth bomb I dropped: 


Confidence isn't about gaining something new; it's about recognizing what you already have‼


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Breaking Barriers: Why Thinking Big is the Key to Success Feb 05, 2024

Let’s dive into a concept that might seem a bit outlandish at first – setting goals that look downright impossible.


We've all been there, right? Fixating on hitting specific numbers or achieving certain milestones. "I need to raise this much," or "I have to solve that problem."...

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The Power of Seeing Your Mission Succeed Jan 22, 2024

 we’ve reached the last chapter of our mission journey series!


If you've been with me since the beginning, you've been on an incredible journey to explore what it truly means to have missions in life. And guess what? You don't just have one mission; you've got a bunch of them,...

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List Your Mission Activators: Your Toolkit for Success Jan 22, 2024

welcome back to our transformative journey through the chapters of mission discovery. If you've been following along, you've uncovered the essence of extraordinary missions, ignited your passion, and explored the power of mission activators.


Now, in this sixth chapter, it's time to build...

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