When Life Spins Out of Control: Discover the hidden potential in your biggest challenges

Oct 08, 2024

Ever had a moment that turned your world upside down—literally?


A year ago today, I had an experience that did just that - and it changed everything.


 The Day Everything Spun


It was a Tuesday morning, and I woke up feeling dizzy. Not just a little off-balance, but the kind of dizzy where the world doesn't stop spinning. Coincidentally, I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for something else entirely.


Little did I know, this routine check-up was about to turn into a whirlwind.


From Doctor's Office to Emergency Room


As I described my symptoms, I watched the doctor's face change. "This is off, Rita," they said, concern evident in their voice. Before I knew it, I was being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance - sirens blaring, lights flashing. A code red, full-blown emergency.


The next few hours were a blur of tests. Multiple doctors peered into my eyes. My blood pressure was checked, blood tests were run, and then came the MRI.


The Longest 30 Minutes


As I lay in that narrow tube for what felt like an eternity (but was probably closer to 30 minutes), my mind was racing. You see, I have the same blood disorder as my aunt - my mom's twin sister. She died from a thrombosis in her brain when she was just 37.


The doctors were concerned the same might be happening to me.


In that moment of fear and uncertainty, a question bubbled up:


What is this problem designed to solve?


This question has become my north star in navigating life's challenges. 


You see, I deeply believe that every problem we face holds the key to solving something much bigger, something far beyond the immediate issue at hand.


The Pattern Beneath


For 27 years, ever since my son was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition at age two ( Hurlers  Syndrome), I'd been working every single day as if he might end up in the ICU or face his last day. 


I felt an intense need to have everything completed, every loose end tied up, just in case. Every day, for 27 years, I lived and worked with this urgency. This approach served me in many ways - I achieved a lot, helped people, made an impact.


But as I lay there, my head spinning both literally and figuratively, I realized something profound: The very mindset that had propelled me forward might now be holding me back.


A Transformative Shift


In the year since that day (spoiler alert: it wasn't a thrombosis, thankfully), I've been exploring a new approach to life's challenges:


What if we approached our problems with a unique blend of compassion, creativity, and fierceness?


What if, instead of seeing obstacles, we saw opportunities to create something incredibly valuable?


It's not about dismissing the reality of difficult situations. It's about looking deeper, with curiosity and openness, to uncover the hidden potential within our challenges.


Questions to Ponder


I invite you to consider:


  1. What's challenging you right now? What's making your world spin?


  1. If this challenge held the key to solving a much bigger problem, what might that bigger problem be?


  1. How might approaching this situation with compassion, creativity, and fierceness lead to an unexpected breakthrough?


  1. What is this problem designed to solve in your life or in the world around you?


Small Steps, Big Impact


For me, that health scare led to some significant changes. 


I started incorporating more rest into my routine. I experimented with new experiences like flotation tanks and deep tissue massages.


I began to approach my work with a different energy - not as if each day was my last, but as if each challenge was an opportunity to create something lasting and impactful.


These might seem like small steps, but they've had a profound impact on my creativity, my relationships, and my overall well-being. More importantly, they've allowed me to tackle bigger problems and create more value than I ever thought possible.


An Invitation to Transformation


As you navigate your own challenges this week, I encourage you to look at them with fresh eyes. Ask yourself:


What might this situation be preparing me for?


What message does this problem have for me?


How can I use this experience to create something powerful that solves a much bigger problem?


If you’re facing a challenge right now, don’t go it alone. 


Reach out.


Let’s talk!


We might solve a much greater challenge you don’t see yet.


Here’s the truth: the challenge you’re up against? It could be the key to something far greater, a door to solving problems you didn’t even know were there



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