Ever Feel Like an Imposter? Let’s Talk About It.

Sep 24, 2024

Have you ever walked into a room and felt your stomach drop, your palms start to sweat, and your heart race? 


That feeling when your throat tightens and you're sure everyone can see right through you? A year ago, as a new member of 4PC, I found myself in that exact situation. Surrounded by a group of accomplished individuals, I felt like a complete fraud.


It's that visceral, gut-wrenching sensation of being an imposter. Your mind races, telling you that any moment now, someone's going to point at you and shout, "You don't deserve to be here!" Even as you try to act calm and collected, inside you're a mess of self-doubt and anxiety.


Feeling Like an Imposter


This happened to me when I first joined 4PC, a group of 30 amazing leaders from around the world. Even though I was invited to be there, I felt like an imposter—small, triggered, and not good enough. I even took a picture of myself to capture that moment. On the outside, I looked composed, but inside, I was a bundle of nerves and insecurity.


Why did I feel this way? Being around powerful women I admire brought back old fears from when I was younger—times when I felt like I had to prove myself, when everyone was so “beautiful” and I felt like a clumsy nobody . It’s incredible how past experiences can sneak up on us, even when we think we’ve moved past them.


The Power of Sharing


The beauty of 4PC was its safe environment where I could share these fears openly. If we can't be brave enough to share in a safe space, where can we? 


This experience mirrored the work I do with my clients—strong women tackling big challenges who also feel not good enough sometimes. We often wear masks, pretending everything is fine, but underneath, we all have our struggles.


Holding Back


Back then, I even hesitated to post on LinkedIn—a place I usually enjoy—because I worried about not being smart enough. It made me think: 


Where else am I holding back because of these fears?


How often do we let these feelings stop us from showing up as our true selves?


Understanding Our Fears


For me, the fear of not being good enough shows up in my love for reading. While it’s usually a positive thing, sometimes I read excessively because I feel like I don’t know enough


It’s a constant cycle of seeking knowledge to fill a void of inadequacy.


You’re Not Alone


Do you ever:

- Hold back from doing something you want?

- Keep busy to avoid feeling inadequate?

- Agree in conversations even when you’re unsure ?


If so, you’re not alone. Even those who seem to have it all together struggle with their own fears. We all have our moments of doubt, and it’s okay to acknowledge them.


Growing Beyond Fear


I’ve learned that real growth happens when we face our fears. It doesn’t make them disappear, but it gives us strength. Every time we confront what scares us, we take a step towards becoming more authentic and empowered. 


Joseph Cambpell wrote: “ The cave you fear to enter holds the treatise you seek”


I learned that when I feel like an imposter it means I´m playing a bigger game. That’s where I grow.


Let’s Talk


I’m curious about your experiences. 


What fears hold you back? 


Where are you playing small in your life?


If you’d like to share, I’d love to hear from you. Send me a message or reply to this email. 


Your story matters, and sharing can be the first step to overcoming your fears.


Remember, we’re all in this together. Even when we feel small, we can make a big difference.





PS. You can read All articles here.

PSS. Work with me inprivate 1:1where I´m your coach and thought-provoking partner. Step into greater leadership in your life and business every day in a relaxed, calm, and joyful way, with lots of support, inner and outer.Request a conversation here

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