For women professionals, entrepreneurs & business owners in masculine dominated industries

Next LevelĀ 

with Rita Hausken


FebruaryĀ UNTIL DecemberĀ 2024

You’re a visionary…

yet you’re stuck in an implementation role of doing-doing-doing.

You’re a leader with unique perspectives…

yet you’re expected to conform & do things the ‘masculine’ way.

You’re a high achiever…

yet you prioritize others’ needs. Your dreams come last (if at all).

You’ve accomplished a lot…

yet you still feel like you have to prove yourself—to others & yourself.

You look confident on the outside…

yet inside you struggle with self-doubt that keeps you playing small.

You have a dream of giving more…

yet you don’t know how to turn your dream into a reality or a legacy.

If any of this sounds like you,

I want you to know

you’re not crazy & you’re not alone.

And I’ve got an important reminder for you:

You’re not here to fit into someone else’s box.

You’re here for something far greater.

You’re here to live your Next Level Purpose.



kicking that box to the curb and…

  • Slowing down—for real!
  • Taking things off your plate
  • Listening to the ideas & desires inside of YOU
  • Dreaming bigger than you ever imagined possible
  • Taking action on your big dream while allowing everything to come to you with ease
  • Experiencing your dream becoming a reality
  • Trusting it’s safe & okay to be you, fully & unapologetically
  • Living your life on purpose—confident, connected & supported
If this sounds too good to be true, I’m here to tell you—. "it’s not.

Hi,Ā Iā€™m

Rita Hausken.

Iā€™m an entrepreneur, mother, international speaker, philanthropist, leadership strategist, coach and unshakable optimist who believes nothing is ā€˜impossibleā€™. I am also a former sales director who worked in theĀ male dominated energy industry for over 20 years.

When I left corporate to start my own business, Shestainability, I worked with a coach 1:1. Her support was essential. My business quickly grew to 6-figures as I supported hundreds of women to step up in their own leadership to have their voices and ideas be heard.

But when it came time to take my company to a global level, and live my own next level purpose, I knew I needed different support. Thatā€™s when I started investing in Masterminds in addition to 1:1 coaching. I wanted access to other brilliant minds and a safe group of women supporting me to go crazy big!

Rita Hausken

MEET Rita Hausken

Rita Hausken

Participating in 

high-end Masterminds has been a game-changer


I’m now a multiple 6-figure business owner. In my last Mastermind I tripled my income. I’ve been sought out to speak on bigger stages. I co-created a volunteer-lead, fast growing organization for women in the energy industry Lean in Equity & Sustainability. I also was a key contributor to bringing life-saving and expensive medicine to a 13-month old baby in India who suffered from the same syndrome my son did. In all of this, I experienced first-hand how, whatever I put my mind to, I can create. My return on investment in these Masterminds has been exponential.

That’s why I created Next Level Mastermind: to support you in experiencing the confidence, success, collaboration and support that’s available to you when you gather with brilliant women who are remembering, together, that you are limitless and can achieve whatever you desire.

Rita Hausken

Join us for

Next Level Ā Mastermind

February Ā until DecemberĀ 2024


The Mastermind



A Private Kick-off Call with Rita

In this 90-minute zoom you’ll:

  • Identify what’s holding you back & what opportunities are available to you
  • Clarify your big vision & map out a plan for how to achieve it
  • Gain insight into how to become a more authentic leader at work & home

We use the Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment as a foundation for our call.


Biweekly Group Calls (2 times/month)

In these rich 90-120 minute zooms:

  • Clear limiting beliefs that are blocking you from success
  • Explore themes in Rita’s ‘Shestainability’ model as they apply to your life & business/career (Topics such as intuition, innovation & being in your zone of genius)
  • Everyone gets time in the ‘hot seat’ (aka ‘success seat) & get input / suggestions / support from Rita & the other Mastermind members who serve as your Board of Directors

This is a true Mastermind experience!


3 Private Calls with Rita

You can use these 45-minute private zoom sessions anytime during the 6-Month Mastermind.

Possible themes we might explore:

  • Do a deeper dive on clearing any blocks that are getting in your way
  • Deepen your understanding of yourself & your unique purpose and vision
  • Identify gifts & capacities youā€™ve been hiding


Private Group Member Forum

Stay connected to Rita & the other Mastermind members in between calls in our private Marco Polo Group.

  • Get immediate laser support with overcoming obstacles, inner or outer
  • Share wins & be celebrated
  • Stay inspired, motivated & accountable

A 2-Day Exclusive Retreat


Our retreat will occur in spring 2024.Ā It is a powerful time to deepen into your purpose and leadership, while relaxing into luxury, pampering and connection with each other.Ā Ā Please note:Ā Travel and Accommodation are not included.





Personal Access to Rita (Valued @ $12,000 USD)Ā 

Get support from Rita, privately, in between calls in your private Marco Polo channel. This level of support is PRICELESS!



ā€œMeet My Mentorsā€ (Valued @ $9,000 USD)

Benefit from Ritaā€™s own mentors in these dynamic and valuable calls.

  • Call #1:Ā Details coming soon!
  • Call #2: Details coming soon!
  • Call #3:Ā Details coming soon!



(Payment plan options available.)


NOTE: After I review your application I will be in touch to schedule a call to discuss if we’re a match for embarking on this transformational journey together. Applying to the Mastermind does not mean you are committed yet, nor does it guarantee your acceptance

For much of my life, I’d been doing what everyone else told me to do. I’d gotten a corporate job in the tech industry and climbed the ladder. I was promoted to VP. My bosses said they liked my unique, fresh perspectives. But I was still expected to conform. To work crazy hours. To do things their way, i.e. the male-dominated, masculine way. I could be different but not TOO different.

I was incredibly frustrated. I knew there was more for me to contribute yet I felt so limited and confined in this role and company. In the Mastermind, I finally had the courage to express what had been eating me up inside: “I’m 38 - can I just do what I want to do and be what I want to be - now?!” Their resounding response: “YES!”

Rita continuously encouraged us to dream bigger. “What if there were no limits? What if you could do anything in the world?” Inspired by the possibilities for my life when I’m living on purpose, I took a leap of faith and quit my job. Instead of just going from one job to another, I took time off to get really clear on what’s next.

Since then, I’ve started writing a book about leadership - another dream I’m no longer putting on hold. I am launching a podcast and I’m running my own consultancy business.

I’m also laying the foundation to start a venture fund to invest in start-ups in fem tech and women entrepreneurs.What I’ve come to see with Rita’s support is that you can either believe that you will fail or that you will succeed. You can believe your success is guaranteed or not. It’s up to you what you put your faith in.

I’m choosing to believe that success is guaranteed instead of using an ounce of worry or anxiety. There is a much higher likelihood of success when I believe in myself, anyway! I would not have been able to believe in myself or have the confidence that I do if I hadn’t participated in the mastermind.

Nada Ahmed


Formerly a VP of Innovation in the Energy Industry
Now, published author of the book Determined to Lead, a podcast host,and sought-after public speaker.

Click Here To Apply

11-Month High Touch Program

Is For You If:

  • You’re a woman working in a male dominated industry or a woman entrepreneur or business owner.
  • You desire to live your purpose, have the biggest possible positive impact on others while you’re here & leave a legacy.
  • You’re stuck & not sure how to create the change you desire.
  • You’re looking to start your own business, get a promotion, start a non-profit, get on (bigger) stages or some other big dream…but don’t know how to move forward on it.
  • You have a clear vision but busyness keeps you from being in action with it.
  • You feel out of alignment with something yet don’t know what it is.
  • You’re tired. Tired of waiting. Tired of conforming to a system that does not allow for a very different way of thinking and speaking. Tired of holding yourself back.
  • You’re not inspired in your current job with it’s crazy hours & expectations yet you’re afraid you won’t find anything better.
  • Slowing down & allowing things to come to you sounds like a great idea yet you secretly wonder if you can really trust the ‘feminine’ way.
  • You’ve developed your masculine—now you want to discover and develop your feminine style of leadership.
  • You want freedom from limiting beliefs & doubt so you can step into the next level of dreaming big.

After working in corporations for 20 years mostly in the energy industry, I left to start my own business. I had a deep seated dream to bring environmental sustainability solutions to communities in Nigeria, so I set up my business with two arms: a profit consultancy and a non-profit foundation.

When Rita invited me to join the Mastermind, I felt overwhelmed. In addition to being a business owner and a mom, I was also working on my second master’s degree. I had a million and one things to do all the time. But I was drawn to the concept of Shestainability and the prospect of tapping into my feminine energy. So I decided to join the Mastermind with an open mind.

The experience has been very revealing on a professional and personal level. I realized I was putting all of my time and energy into my consultancy business because it’s what was familiar. But my purpose —my big dream—was more aligned with my non-profit, which I still hadn’t gotten off the ground. I also saw how I’d been getting in my own way by thinking I needed to be the one to know how to run a foundation.

One of the biggest shifts Rita helped me make was to slow down and get a lot of things off my plate.

I became more receptive. Instead of being a do-er all the time, I began to trust more in going with the flow and allowing things to fall into place for me.

In 7 weeks I did what I hadn’t been able to do in several years: found and hired someone to help run the non-profit. She actually found me and is a perfect fit for this role. We’ve already started to implement our first clean water and sanitation project on the ground in Nigeria!

Had I not taken this opportunity to join the Mastermind, I’d still be swimming against the tide, facing resistance. Whereas now I’m in the flow, everything is coming to me and that feels so rewarding.

My husband recently told me that he can see how this experience has been good for me: I’m calmer, more patient and peaceful. I’m being even more of the woman and leader I aspire to be.

Osen Iyahen

Lagos, Nigeria

Founder, Optimal Greening

Click Here To Apply

Personal Note

from Rita

Today’s organizational culture is built on the post-industrial revolution, factory floor thinking of 200 years ago. It’s holding back creativity, collaboration and change.

Which is why it’s time to stop conforming to the male-dominated structures and start creating something new.

As women, we have a unique possibility before us: when we unlock our intuition and collaborate with one another, we lift each other up—higher. We create new cultures and systems that are life-affirming, life-enhancing and create more for everyone.

When we tap into our feminine leadership, together, change happens fast. And in the space where nothing holds you back and you’re encouraged to dream big, magic occurs.

If you are a woman of vision and action—even if you’re not sure right now what that vision is or what action to take—I invite you to join us for the Next Level Purpose Mastermind and discover for yourself how high you can soar.



I worked in the oil and gas industry - a very male dominated industry - for 15 years, successfully moving up through the ranks. But then I had children, who brought out my vulnerability, and everything changed. Not only did I struggle with work-life balance, I also wrestled with how to lead. The masculine style of leadership that I had learned no longer fit me, yet using a more feminine approach was still very new—almost foreign—to me. I got into a lot of conflict because I was inconsistent. I lost the confidence of my team. This served as a wake up call: what kind of leader did I want to be?

I left that job for a position where I could hide in the background. This was not good for me, but it allowed me a chance to study to become a coach. Through all of this I realized I’m here to do something more, but I had scared myself into a corner. I knew something was new in me, a seed of an idea that wanted to emerge, but I didn’t have the courage to act on it.

I knew that if I wanted to make this change I needed help—I needed a coach. Around that time, Rita entered my life. In my first 1:1 session with her, she lifted me from nothing to feeling really inspired by myself and possibilities. I left that session flying! And she does that everytime. She brought me to a much higher level and has held my hand all the way.

Rita connected my seed of an idea to my purpose. Suddenly I could understand why the idea came to me. I fell in love with it and it became more important to me than ever to act on it.

Getting non-judgmental support and perspectives from the other very intelligent and very different women in the Mastermind allowed me to stop hiding, start trusting myself, and find the courage I needed to start a new company.

In the process of turning my idea into an actual business, Iā€™m becoming more of the leader I want to be. Instead of ā€˜having to do thingsā€™, Iā€™m giving birth in a creative, relaxed way and allowing things to come to me. Everything Iā€™ve needed, including a business partner and money, have come to me. This is the feminine way.

Everyone in my life is benefiting from my participation in the Mastermind, even if they donā€™t know it! Iā€™m calmer and my stress levels are much lower as I worry less and trust more. Iā€™m able to see things from a bigger perspective, enjoy myself more and show up as the best version of myself in each moment. Iā€™m so grateful I chose to get Ritaā€™s support and join the Mastermind.

Vorian Maryssael

StOckholm, sweden

Formerly a General Manager in the Oil and Gas Industry, and former Director at the CTBTO; a UN Organization. Now, Founder of HƄNGA, a social community with a mission to connect people by hanging out together.

When I asked the women in my current Mastermind

what they would say to someone considering the Mastermind,

here’s what they shared…

It’s so important to have a group of women cheer you on, push you to be bolder, be more fulfilled, make the most out of your life and remind you it’s okay to have ambition and ask for more. And that’s what you get in the Mastermind.

If you are lost,

this experience can help you find yourself.

Allow yourself to make this investment in YOU because it will repay itself many times over - in the change, liberation and progress you make!

Rita is phenomenal! Working with her has been a blessing. Having her as a guide has changed things for me and all of us. So much has come out of this experience.

If you’re seeking real change in your life, if you desire to do something purposeful, I can promise you that through the experience of the Mastermind, you’ll come out a completely different person. It doesn’t matter how broken you may feel.

You’ll discover all the strength you have inside.

Come with an open mind.

Whatever you can give, give. Whatever you can receive, receive.

The investment in the Mastermind is absolutely worth it. Go for it!

You’ll make really strong bonds & connections with other women, which opens your heart in a beautiful way. And the female energy in all of it! Everyone is so different, yet we have commonalities. It is truly a place for personal discovery & discovery of life. 

You may have to live it to believe it.

It is a leap of faith yet it’s all worth it.

Let’s dream! There aren’t many arenas for that. People tell you to be realistic but what is that really?

You’re creating your own reality.

The Mastermind is a place where you can share your desires and have the space and support to dream big - no limitation. And once you put it out there it becomes a real possibility!

I have worked in the development and energy industry for 20 years, developing infrastructure projects and wind farms from idea to construction and into operation. Making the world a better place for people to live and thrive in has always been one of my core values.

However, I wasn’t enjoying where I was working or really, much of anything. I felt stuck at home and work. I was a people-pleaser and felt stuck helping other people and not looking after myself in the proper way. I didn’t know what to do. Being in lockdown didn't help.

I felt pulled into many directions but none really satisfied me. So although I was hesitant to sign up for the Mastermind as it was a big investment, I finally signed up at the last minute. And oh did it pay off!

In working with Rita I came to realize that I’d moved away from my zone of genius. She helped me come back to my core and appreciate what’s important to me rather than serving everyone else.

The women in the Mastermind helped me see that my ability to show up with love and compassion for everyone is so powerful. I realized I could own this, not be scared of it, and use it to drive my purpose. Yet even more powerfully, during our 6 months together, I started learning how to bring the same love I showed to others to myself.


Drawing on my zone of genius I’m taking responsibility for my life and designing it how I want it to be. I’m learning how to practice self-love, create new opportunities and set boundaries. I’ve learned to say “No” to the things I don’t want to do and the people I don’t want in my life anymore. It’s been a huge relief to let go of the drama and no longer serve others at the detriment to myself.

I have also come to see I don’t have to act like a man to succeed. I feel more confident being myself. I’m letting more of my female traits come into my work and am not scared if senior male managers judge me.

Working with Rita, and participating in the Mastermind, has helped me tap into my desires. Now I see clearly how I can truly fulfill my purpose, attract and create new opportunities, get recognition for my skills and be appropriately awarded for the value that I bring. I can use the extra money to contribute to causes I care about and do the things I want to do. The biggest return on my investment for the Mastermind is that I’ve discovered my true worth. This is priceless!

Laura Fleming

Edinburgh, Scotland 

CEO-  Energy Industry

Click Here To Apply

Before joining the Mastermind, I had a traumatic experience at work: I lost a higher up position because I was emotional in a certain situation. I blamed myself and felt a great deal of shame and guilt for making what I saw as a mistake.

I needed a circle of supportive, inspiring, non-judgmental women, and that’s what I got with the Mastermind. With their super loving and uplifting support, and Rita’s intuitive and powerful guidance, I shifted out of blame and into seeing the gifts in this situation.

Over the past six months I’ve experienced a lot of inner shifts: I’ve let go of my perfectionist tendencies and put less pressure on myself and people around me. I am more relaxed, which supports my family and everyone else around me to be more relaxed. This in turn allows me to be more intuitive and trusting of the guidance that comes from within.

I used to be driven solely by ambition but now I’m inspired by my purpose. I’m clearer on what my values are and am no longer willing to sacrifice them.

I also used to doubt that I could have my own company, but now I see that I could do this. I’m now preparing the ground for a very different future for myself and my family. Rita and the other women in the Mastermind have helped me see how I can be the version of me that I dreamed of being as a little girl.

Elena Malkina

Paris, France

Geoscientist / Energy Industry

Click Here To Apply


Rita Hausken, Founder of Shestainability, is an Award-winning Executive Coach, Advisor and Speaker who has coached hundreds of women on how to take their seat at the table and confidently share their ideas and visions. She has a proven track record of changing cultures in male-dominated industries by supporting women to step into greater leadership and influence. She cares so much about this work because she has seen how women bring unique solutions to important issues of our time.

For 20 years, Rita worked as a Sales Director in the press, covering the oil and gas industry.  She led teams of 20+ people and navigated them through some of the worst economic downturns. Rita experienced first-hand the challenges women face in a male dominated industry, which is why, in 2017, she resigned to start her own coaching company. Now, Rita is on a mission to help women ensure that busyness, stress and pressure don’t hijack their lives, and instead, to let their innermost values and vision guide them and be at the forefront of everything they do.

Rita holds a number of professional certifications, including a PCC from ICF, and CPC, MP ELI from IPEC. She is the Chair for Lean in Equity & Sustainability, Co-founder of Women Building a Sustainable Future Ltd. She was awarded Top Executive Coach by CEO Today in November 2022 and Transition Economists TE100 top 10 Entrepreneurs in the Energy Transition in December 2021.

Rita lives in Norway. She has an adventurous spirit and loves to dive, fish, hike and ski.

ABOUT Rita Hausken